Back to Madrid and Home

Bullet Train Valencia to Madrid Alvaro overlooking Cathy Champagne to Celebrate Negative Test Dr. administering COVID Tests to allow us to return to US Fabulous Confit (maybe) of Artichokes White Asparagus Turbo Cheese Cake and Amaretto Crowds Celebrate Madrid beats Liverpool in Soccer We took the bullet train from Valencia back to Madrid where we returned to The Principal Hotel and checked in. We were given a suite overlooking the plaza once again. We didn’t realize it at the time but there was a major Soccer game Madrid vs Liverpool. The whole town was in a state of excitement. We did a preliminary pack for our trip home tomorrow and awaited the doctor for our Covid test required for our return to US. It is absurd, the US has far more COVID cases than anywhere else in the world. And the US doesn’t require people to take a test to fly domestically. It is all COVID theater. The Doctor came to our hotel and administered a rapid test. It was different the ones we hav...